Muslim father and daughter.| Newsreel

Support to protect children in many languages

New resources will support culturally and linguistically diverse families to have conversations about online child safety. The Australian Centre to Counter Child
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Healthy home gong for Queensland Ballet

Queensland Ballet is the first performing arts organisation in the world to gain the highest healthy building rating for its home – the Thomas Dixon Centre. The
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James Cook University in Queensland. | Newsreel

Bid to boost commercialisation at regional unis

A new Queensland program will better connect regional universities to investors and help facilitate networking. The State Government is providing $7 million to establish
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Earth inner core. | Newsreel

Earth’s inner core slowing down

Scientists have proven that the Earth’s core is slowing down. A subject of debate for decades, new research published in Nature provides “unambiguous evidence”
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Trampolinist Hudson Brown with PeopleIN CEO Ross Thompson, left, and Marketing and Communications Head Craig Thomas, right. | Newsreel

Partnership supports athlete’s Olympic dreams

A Brisbane-based workforce solutions company has joined a campaign to help keep Australian athletes on the path to Olympic glory. PeopleIN, which has headquarters in
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40,000 work years lost each year to workplace illness - Newsreel

40,000 work years lost to illness each year

Australia is losing more than 40,000 “work years” each year as a result of work-related injury, disease and mental health conditions. A new “Working Years Lost”
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Artist's impression of new complex on Brisbane skyline. | Newsreel

Three-tower complex planned for Newstead

A three-tower residential complex, of up to 28 storeys, is planned for a block of land on Breakfast Creek Rd, opposite Newstead Park. Breakfast Creek Quarter will house
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Aerial photo of urban sprawl. | Newsreel

Land use policies crippling housing affordability

A global obsession with limiting urban sprawl has played a major role in the collapse of housing affordability, which sees Australia’s five major mainland capital
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Soldier operating a drone. Newsreel

Defence Force reveals first laser weapon

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is trialing its first laser weapon, which can burn through steel and destroy objects a kilometre away. The ADFs Fractl Portable High
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Migrant workers. | Newsreel

Billions of untapped potential in migrant workers

Queensland’s skills shortage would be eased and the economy boosted by almost $2 billion if existing migrant workers were employed based on their qualifications, a new
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