Male birth control pill a step closer - Newsreel

Male birth control pill a step closer

Medical researchers say they have uncovered a “promising option” to create a contraceptive pill for men. A study by the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas,
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Man putting meal in microwave oven. | Newsreel

Microwave ovens ‘less potent than candles’

You should be more worried about getting too close to a candle, if you are concerned about the radiation emitted from your microwave oven, according to
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AI headphones hone in on one voice - Newsreel

Headphones find one voice in a noisy room

Have you ever tried to hold a conversation with someone in a really noisy environment? It’s hard. But maybe not for much longer. Researchers at the University of
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Has our sense of Australian been lost? - Newsreel

Will our sense of Australiana be back later on?

By Shane Rodgers When I was growing up, the term “Australiana” was used a lot. Back then it seemed a useful way to describe the potpourri we called Australian
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Woman on train wearing mask. | Newsreel

COVID halted global life expectancy gains

The COVID-19 pandemic wiped our nearly a decade of global life expectancy gains. New data from the World Health Organisation (WHO) shows the pandemic reversed a trend of
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Mental disorders can

Mental health issues ‘transmit’ in social circles

Certain mental health disorders have been found to “transmit” within social networks formed at school. A major study of 700,000 young people in Finland, released
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China has successfully tested flying taxis - Newsreel

China puts flying cars on economic agenda

China is aiming to be the first country in the world to allow flying taxis. This follows the Chinese Government’s declaration that a “low-altitude economy” is now
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Planet that is a lot like Earth _ Newsreel

Earth-like planet excites space scientists

Space scientists have uncovered a new planet with more similarities to Earth than any planet previously identified. Glise 12b is slightly smaller than Earth and is
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Electrical apprentice. | Newsreel

$1000 tool boost for first-year apprentices

First-year apprentices can access $1000 to tool up for their careers. A Queensland Government “Free Tools for First Years” program will provide $1000 cashback for
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Cirque du Soleil's Luzia

Explore Mexican dream under the Big Top

Queensland acrobat and high diver Helena Merten will feature in the upcoming Cirque de Soleil performance in Brisbane, which has just added another week of shows. Ms
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