Poor family having dinner. | Newsreel

Families go backwards each week as costs bite

Single working parents in Queensland have costs $150 above what they earn every week, according to a new report. The Queensland Council of Social Service’s (QCOSS)
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Shanghai Ballet to star in iconic The Lady of the Camellias

Queensland Ballet’s sister company, the Shanghai Ballet will perform a glittering tale of Parisian love and tragedy in the Lady of the Camellias. The 1848 tale of
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Queensland Police Service Task Force Argos members. | Newsreel

Queensland detectives awarded top US honour

The United States Secret Service has award two Queensland detectives the highest award available to foreigners for their efforts in saving two young children from a
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Fewer people are working multiple jobs but the numbers remain historically high - Newsreel

Multiple jobs dropping in tighter market

Multiple job holding in Australia remains at a historic high despite a 1.2 percent fall in the June quarter. Figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics show
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New research has questioned the value of current guidelines on screen time before sleep - Newsreel

Night screen time guidelines challenged

New research has cast doubt on the veracity of previous advice on the dangers of pre-sleep screen time. A study by the University of Otago, released this week, found
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Teacher and student in first aid course. | Newsreel

More than five million VET students in 2023

The number of students undertaking vocational education and training (VET) last year increased by more than 10 percent last year. The latest data from the National
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Woman on mobile phone. | Newsreel

No link between mobile phones and brain cancer

By Sarah Loughran and Ken Karipidis A systematic review into the potential health effects from radio wave exposure has shown mobile phones are not linked to brain
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Sunshine Coast recycling promotion. | Newsreel

Council reveals hi-tech MRF. Watch the videos

Sunshine Coast Council has provided locals with a behind-the-scenes look at its state-of-the-art Nambour waste facility, in a campaign to raise awareness of the value of
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Artist's impression of the entrance to the new Albert Street train station in Brisbane. | Newsreel

Frog’s Hollow an option for Cross River Rail station name

The new Cross River Rail station in Albert Street needs a name and the Government wants your help. The first new train station in Brisbane’s CBD in more than 120 years
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Bridge strike. Brisbane Queensland

Bridge strikes a daily issue in Queensland

Bridge strikes cost Queenslanders 200 hours in rail delays last year, as the network deals with more than one a day. A new campaign has been launched in an attempt to
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