Dr Prins Ralston Townsville City Council CEO. | Newsreel

Townville City CEO Dr Prins Ralston resigns

Townsville City Council is searching for a new CEO, following the resignation of Dr Prins Ralston. Dr Ralston has been the Council’s Chief Executive Officer since late
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Man sleeping with piles of cash. | Newsreel

The case of the missing $9 billion in banknotes

Australians appear to have been a little careless with their cash. Up to $9 billion in banknotes have disappeared. And plenty more are sitting under the mattress, buried
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Young women jogging. | Newsreel

Young women and smart kids resisting exercise

Women and high academic achievers are dropping out of exercise at above-average rates as they move into adulthood, putting their long-term health at risk. Research from
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Meeting around table in field. | Newsreel

Companies going further afield to bring teams together

Budget-conscious businesses are looking for more creative ways to bring their teams together by visiting cities that wouldn’t normally be on the core conference
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Goodman Plaza - Southern Cross University. | Newsreel

‘Pioneering model’ for university towns unveiled

Southern Cross University has revealed a bold, new vision for its Lismore campus, describing it as a “pioneering model” for regional university towns. The Master
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Taylor Swift billboard. | Newsreel

Taylor Swift shakes up national business turnover

The Taylor Swift factor boosted Australian business turnover in February as thousands flocked to Sydney and Melbourne performances. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
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Tom Cruise in scene from Jerry Maguire. | Newsreel

Why future workers will need ‘Hollywood’ agents

By Shane Rodgers For most of the past 200 years the idea of work has revolved around turning up at a factory, worksite or office, putting in the required hours and
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Barista serving customer takeaway coffee. | Newsreel

Small sweetener in long black days of budget woes

Restaurants and cafes are bearing the brunt of Australians’ cost-cutting measures, but overall cost-of-living concerns are easing. New NAB consumer sentiment data
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Australia Post parcel centre. | Newsreel

Everyday delivery now history for Australia Post

It’s official. Australians will only receive letters every second day. New Prescribed Performance Standards for Australia Post come into effect on Monday, April 15. It
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Two women worried about computer fraud. | Newsreel

300,000 fraud attempts blocked by identity register

Identity protection measures introduced after the Optus data breach have blocked 300,000 fraudulent attempts to use stolen credentials. In late 2022, the personal
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