Fund sets up Aussie athletes for success and life

Nat Cook | Newsreel
Olympic champion Nat Cook has set up the Aussie Athlete Fund to support athletes. | Photo: Supplied by Aussie Athlete Fund

By Nat Cook

Every athlete should be celebrated.

Every athlete should be encouraged.

And every athlete should be supported.

I am not just talking about those who stand on a podium as Advance Australia Fair blares over the loudspeakers.

I am not even just taking about those who march behind the flag at an opening ceremony every four years.

Every athlete, across every sport, that dreams of wearing the Green and Gold deserves our support, because that is a daily journey of extraordinary sacrifice.

I may have been to five Olympics and won a gold medal in beach volleyball, but I still remember my days at Corinda High when I would compete in any sport open to me.

Be it the 100m sprint, cross country, swimming or volleyball, I was fortunate to have the athletic ability which translated across the board.

It was that broad exposure which made me appreciate the talent and dedication needed to succeed in all sports.

I tip my hat to the swimmers who can follow that black line day in and day out. Give me the sun and sand anytime.

It’s because of that love of all sport and the knowledge of just how bloody expensive it is to succeed, no matter how talented you are, that I set up the Aussie Athlete Fund.

Through the fund I want to establish a sustainable athlete economy so our future stars who wear the Green and Gold can retire not with a debt, but with the education, connections and skills to excel outside of sport.

Many talented athletes don’t even get out of the blocks because they or their families can’t afford to fund the costs of living, training and competition fees. It’s hard to work a full-time job when you’re training to represent your country.

And for athletes from remote, rural and Indigenous communities the task is even more daunting.

Did you know that almost half of Australia’s best athletes earn below the poverty line threshold with an annual income of less than $23,000?

And a survey last year found 52 percent of elite athletes admitted they were considering leaving their sport due to the financial strain and the toll it takes on their mental health.

This Aussie Athlete Fund helps athletes and their families learn how to raise funds themselves to create financial sustainability.

We also connect athletes with those that can help, with mutual benefits for all.

We provide opportunities for businesses and individuals to support our Aussie athletes either as one off or long-term support.

One of those ways is through the $1 million challenge.

Through the Challenge we will pair 100 athletes with 100 businesses with the goal to raise $10,000 for the athlete. And every dollar raised goes directly to the athlete.

As a team, the athlete and business, or an individual in that company, work together to fundraise for the athlete’s sporting journey.

But they aren’t doing it alone. This is a partnership and we will work together to help the athletes raise money, but also give them the confidence they will need to achieve financial sustainability.

And then we can join with them to celebrate their success be that a gold medal, a place in a final or simply zipping up the green and gold tracksuit as part of an Aussie team.

Check out how you can help.

Natalie Cook OAM OLY GAICD is a five-time Olympian. She has spent a lifetime harnessing and championing the transformative power of sport. A board director, sport strategist, and influential businesswoman, Nat’s experiences and insights allow her to apply a unique sport lens to her professional pursuits.