Frog’s Hollow an option for Cross River Rail station name

Artist's impression of the entrance to the new Albert Street train station in Brisbane. | Newsreel
Artist's impression of the entrance to the new Cross River Rail train station in Albert Street, in the Brisbane CBD. | Newsreel | Photo: Courtesy of Cross River Rail.

The new Cross River Rail station in Albert Street needs a name and the Government wants your help.

The first new train station in Brisbane’s CBD in more than 120 years is the only station in the upgraded network without a name.

State Transport Minister Bart Mellish said public transport stops and stations were traditionally named in line with the location of the station such as the suburb (e.g. Bowen Hills) or a major street (Roma Street), or in line with a nearby landmark (Cultural Centre).

Minister Mellish said while the names of all other stations being delivered through Cross River Rail had already been decided, the name of the station on Albert Street remained undecided as Albert Street was not as well-known as other streets within the Brisbane CBD.

He said four names had made an initial shortlist. They are:

  • Albert Street.
  • Brisbane City.
  • City Botanic Gardens.
  • Frog’s Hollow.

“To have your say on the name of the new train station located on Albert Street, or to suggest an alternate name, visit the Cross River Rail project website and click on the link marked ‘A new name for Albert Street’,” Minister Mellish said.

Minister Mellish said the Government wanted to ensure public transport was as easy to use as possible and that’s why they were asking the public to help name the new station.

“It is important to us that whatever name is decided on ensures customers have a clear understanding of the station’s geographic location, can easily orient themselves when travelling on the Translink network, and helps customers connect with the local community in a consistent and common-sense way.

“The four names being suggested already meet traditional station naming conventions and would make it easy for our customers to understand where the station is located.”

He said Albert Street station was one of the shortlisted names and if that was the public’s preference then they would move forward with that name.

“But this is about ensuring the name of the station makes it easy for customers.”

Visit the Cross River Rail website to have your say.