Many of Australia’s peak business bodies and unions have been funded to deliver programs to support gender equality in the workplace.
Federal Minister for Women Katy Gallagher said almost $17 million would be invested in 11 projects to making workplaces safer, more respectful and more equitable for women, particularly for those working in traditionally male-dominated industries.
“The workplace and industry-level initiatives will be led by peak organisations representing employers and workers, who will share in $16.9 million as part of the tripartite pilot,” Minister Gallagher said.
She said examples of successful projects included initiatives that would work directly with employers to ensure facilities supported women’s workforce participation, create industry-specific toolkits so employers could create flexible working arrangements, and conducting on-the-ground surveys and research to identify what change was needed.
“Insights and feedback from the pilot will drive further improvements on gender equality in the workplace.”
Minister Gallagher said the recipients and associated programs were:
- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Breaking Barriers, Changing Cultures through Women’s Ownership and Leadership.
- Australian Industry Group: Breaking Barriers: Advancing Gender Equality in Segregated Industries.
- Council of Small Business Organisations Australia: Advancing Gender Equality in Small Business: Industry Pilot Program.
- Unions NSW: Collaborate with organisations to increase Gender Equality at work.
- Victorian Trades Hall Council (in partnership with the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU): Women Onsite – Workplaces for Women (WFW).
- Queensland Council of Unions: Queensland Women Rise – Breaking Barriers, Building Equity.
- SA Unions (in partnership with the ACTU): Critical Inclusion – Building SA’s Prosperity Through Gender Equality.
- UnionsWA (in partnership with the ACTU): WA Workplace Gender Equality Project.
- Tasmanian Trades and Labour Council (in partnership with the ACTU): Gender Equal Jobs.
- Trades & Labour Council of ACT (in partnership with the ACTU): Equality Works: Empowering women in gender segregated workplaces.
- Northern Territory Trades and Labour Council (in partnership with the ACTU): WOMEN in MINING – Advancing Gender Equality in the Northern Territory.
Learn more about the programs on the Australian Government website.