Australian defence industry critical to national security

Person in defence meeting. | Newsreel
A robust sovereign defence industry is critical to national security | Stock image

The Federal Government has released a plan that defines the strategic rationale for a sovereign defence industrial base and sets out pathways for maximising support for Australian industry and its critical contribution to national security.

The Defence Industry Development Strategy (DIDS) articulates for the first time the defence industrial base needed in the face of the changing strategic circumstances outlined in the Defence Strategic Review.

This landmark strategy details the actions the Government will take to grow that industrial base, which employs more than 100,000 Australians, and deliver a greater partnership between Defence and industry.

In addition to critical procurement reforms within Defence, the Federal Government announced increased funding for defence industry grants programs, taking the total investment to $183.8 million, in alignment with the DIDS.

The Government said in its response to the Defence Strategic Review that Australia requires strong defence capabilities of our own and a fully integrated Australian Defence Force to contribute to the strategic balance of power that keeps the peace in our region.

Minster for defence industry Pat Conroy said: “This strategy will underpin essential reforms that will ensure that critical capabilities are provided to the men and women of the ADF as soon as possible, while also supporting an industry vital to our national security.”

Defence industry is critical to delivering on this key objective. Together, Defence and industry create, maintain and sustain vital capabilities that offer Australia a competitive advantage and contribute to regional stability.

With the release of the DIDS, industry will have clarity on the priorities for Defence through the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities (SDIPs). The SDIPs provide detail, certainty and timelines that Australian industry needs to invest and was sorely missing under the former Government.

This new level of detail provides industry with information they need to prepare, invest and deliver on development, production and sustainment of Defence capabilities.

The seven Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities are:

  • Maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade of Australian Defence Force aircraft.
  • Continuous naval shipbuilding and sustainment.
  • Sustainment and enhancement of the combined arms land system.
  • Domestic manufacture of guided weapons, explosive ordnance and munitions.
  • Development and integration of autonomous systems.
  • Integration and enhancement of battlespace awareness and management systems.
  • Test and evaluation, certification and systems assurance.