VET sector champions set to shine in training awards

Man training students in workshop. | Newsreel
The Australian Training Awards honour excellence in the VET sector. | iStock

Nominations are now open for this year’s Australian Training Awards, recognising outstanding achievement in the vocational education and training (VET) sector.

With more than 4.5 million students in the VET sector, the awards provide an opportunity for their hard work and excellence to be recognised, as well giving teachers, employers and registered training organisations who demonstrate innovative VET practices a chance to be honoured.

The 2024 awards will honour 16 recipients. Eleven categories are nominated through state and territory training awards, with 5 categories progressed by nominations directly to the Australian Training Awards.

The direct entry categories are:

  • Outstanding Achievement in the VET and Skills Sector Award.
  • Australian Apprenticeships Employer Award.
  • Innovation in VET Award.
  • School Pathways to VET Award
  • Excellence in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice Award.

Winners from each state and territory training awards compete for a national award title.

The Australian Training Awards are the peak national awards for VET, showcasing best practice and promoting the benefits of the sector.

Nominations for the 2024 Australian Training Awards close on Friday 31 May 2024. For more information and last year’s winners, visit