Regional pathway to career in energy

Electrician and apprentice installing solar panels. | Newsreel
An expanded State Government program is supporting high school students in the regions. | Photo: Thurtell (iStock)

High school students in regional and remote Queensland can fast-trach a career in the electrical field through an expanded government-supported cadetship program.

Ergon Energy and Energex are partnering with TAFE Queensland in the program which has been specifically designed to align young people with career pathways in the state’s energy industry.

State Training and Skills Development Minister Lance McCallum said up to 100 high school students would benefit from the electrical cadetships at 55 regional, rural, and remote Queensland Ergon Energy and Energex depots.

Minister McCallum said following a successful pilot across south-west Queensland this year, the program would be expanded in 2025, to as far north as Cooktown and as far west as Mt Isa.

“Through the Ergon Energy Network and Energex 2025 Pre-apprenticeship Program, students will learn from experienced TAFE Queensland trainers and Ergon Energy Network and Energex experts during weekly online workshops and on-campus practical days, complemented by real-world experience at up to 55 depots involved in next year’s program,” he said.

Minister McCallum said cadets would gain on-the-job experience with formal training attaining a Certificate II in Electrotechnology and a General Safety Induction course (White Card).

Read more about the program.