Partnership a pathway to tech careers

Technology image. | Newsreel
QUT and Brisbane tech company TechnologyOne have entered a new education partnership . | Photo: Khanchit Khirisutchalual (iStock)

A Brisbane-based global tech company which provides operational services to QUT, has extended its relationship through a new education partnership.

TechnologyOne has a 15-year relationship with the Brisbane university, most recently through supplying its Software-as-a-Service student management system.

QUT Vice-President (Digital) and Chief Digital Officer Huw Davies said a new partnership would see improved graduate job opportunities and support for work integrated learning.

Mr Davies said Australia’s standing as a major technology player would be boosted by the formalised alliance.

“Together we are two Brisbane success stories bringing our combined strengths to elevate Australia’s standing in the tech space.

“QUT is at the forefront of innovation in technology and our job-ready graduates will lead from a position of strength through the real-world opportunities this collaboration provides.

“At the same time, TechnologyOne will see a return on investment as it supports pioneering research initiatives and showcases its vision and operations to future leaders in technology.”

Mr Davies said the partnership would include the establishment of an exclusive TechnologyOne Graduate Program for QUT students, which will ensure QUT alumni made up one-third of the TechnologyOne graduate intake from 2025.

He said the leading ASX100 software company had also made an investment of $20,000 a year to the QUT Dean’s Scholars Program that was dedicated to empowering QUT’s most exceptional minds.

“And the education partnership will see the continuation of the TechnologyOne work integrated learning (WIL) placements and projects for QUT students of computer science, information systems, mathematical sciences, as well as law, accountancy, advertising, economics, finance and management.”

TechnologyOne CEO Ed Chung said the partnership highlighted how important QUT graduates were to the growth of the tech sector in Australia.

“Over 37 years, we have sought to work with the best and this has helped enable our business to double in size every four or five years,” Mr Chung said.

“More than half of our 1300 staff are based in Brisbane and many of them are already QUT alumni.

“The formalisation of our partnership with QUT will see this relationship grow as we provide value above the mission critical software system that we manage for the university.”

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