Welcome back party for Paris athletes

Brisbane sign at South Bank
Queensland's Olympians and Paralympians will be welcomed home at an event in Brisbane's South Bank in September. | Photo: Caroline Brundle Bugge (iStock)

Queensland’s Paris Olympians and Paralympians will be celebrated at a “welcome home” event in September.

The State Government and Brisbane City Council announced today South Bank would host the event on Sunday, September 14.

Premier Steven Miles said the official proceedings would commence with the athletes’ arrival at 10am at the Cultural Forecourt.

Premier Miles said 191 Queenslanders competed in the Australian Olympic and Paralympic teams.

“Not only will Queenslanders be able to cheer home their Olympic and Paralympic heroes, but live entertainment, food and other activities will also be on offer,” Premier Miles said.

Brisbane Mayor Adrian Schrinner said every single competitor deserved to be celebrated.

“Australia has had an outstanding performance and we want to bring our athletes home with a green and gold studded ceremony so the whole community can celebrate their achievements.

“There’s no better place to celebrate our athletes than right here in the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games host city and I encourage everyone to come along and get involved.”

That evening, Premier Miles will host a formal Welcome Home Dinner.