New spin on life for organic shampoos

Woman washing hair with shampoo. | Newsreel
High speed spinning has been found to increase the lifespan and effectiveness of organic shampoo. | Photo: skynesher (iStock)

New research is opening the way for organic shampoos to last longer and clean hair better.

The American Chemical Society announced this week that spinning the shampoos at high speeds produced some dramatic improvements.

Science Daily reported that “clean” shampoos tended to separate and spoil faster than those made with synthetic stabilisers and preservatives.

“Natural emulsifiers, such as xanthan gum and cetyl alcohol, are sometimes used to prevent organic shampoo from separating and enhance its soapy lather,” the report said.

“But they don’t remain effective for as long as synthetic emulsifiers used in conventional haircare products.”

The researchers Youhong Tang, Colin Raston and their colleagues used a “vortex fluidic device” (VFD) to see if the high-speed spinning platform could work as well as chemicals to improve the lather and shelf stability of organic shampoo.

“Previously, the researchers determined that VFD’s intense micro-mixing could produce clean biodiesel from used cooking oil and homogenize raw milk, but they hadn’t used the platform to process more goopy liquids, such as shampoos,” the report said.

“The researchers found that the spun shampoos lather lasted longer and cleaned human hair more thoroughly.

“And on a microscopic level, the spun shampoo contained more evenly dispersed oil droplets and glass microspheres compared to the original product.”

Full report and access to the research at Science Daily.