Marine Bioblitz a showcase for all ocean lovers

Turtle and diver on the Sunshine Coast. | Newsreel
The inaugural Marine Bioblitz will showcase the wonders of the ocean and coastline of the Sunshine Coast. | Photo: Supplied by Sunshine Coast Council

A free two-day event will showcase the Sunshine Coast’s ocean and coastline later this month.

The inaugural Sunshine Coast Marine Bioblitz, on August 30 and 31, aims to celebrate the marine biodiversity of the declared Sunshine Coast UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and its waters.

Sunshine Coast Council Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Tim Burns said the event was for all ages and included presentations from marine experts, hands-on exhibits and a range of ocean-based activities.

“Whether you’re a surfer, swimmer or sailor, a curious marine biologist, or just someone who loves the sound of the waves, there is something for you,” Cr Burns said.

He said the event aims to showcase community-driven conservation, scientific exploration, arts and culture for ocean-enthusiasts.

Division 4 Councillor Joe Natoli said through the Marine Bioblitz the sea would come alive with citizen science, fun, education and adventure.

“You’ll get the chance to go on snorkelling expeditions or explore the rocky foreshore. There will be market stalls, film nights, kids’ activities and more,” Cr Natoli said.

What the day at the Marine BioBlitz will look like:

In the morning, book into one of the expeditions investigating a location or species:

  • Walk on country with a Traditional Custodian.
  • Dive the HMAS Brisbane or scuba with the grey-nurse sharks and nudibranchs.
  • Participate in the creating an underwater digital twin of a coral reef.
  • Record and photograph visiting whales and resident dolphins.
  • Learn underwater monitoring techniques for fish and seaweed.
  • Investigate and record species on our rocky foreshores.

In the afternoon, meet back at the base camp to share your learnings:

  • Participate in citizen science activities for all abilities.
  • Listen to, learn from and collaborate with marine experts.
  • Meet the artist in residence.
  • Participate in guided data collection and species identification.
  • Connect with local conservation groups.

In the evening, enjoy:

  • Guided deep ocean listening.
  • Inspiring marine conservation films.
  • Participate in an astronomy and dark sky workshop.

Explore the full program and book.