‘Life changing’ heart valve technology unveiled

A new valve could be life changing for heart patients - Newsreel
A new heart valve could improved the quality of life for people needing valve replacements. | Photo: Pranithan Corruangsak (iStock)

Heart researchers have developed a new heart valve that combines mechanical and tissue technology.

The research team at the University of British Columbia described the breakthrough as potentially life changing, and lifesaving, for people with heart conditions.

Associate Professor Hadi Mohammadi said the new valve, known as the iValve, was the team’s most advanced yet using mechanical and tissue technology for replacement heart valves.

“Tissue valves generally perform better than mechanical valves because of their shape, but last only 15 to 20 years on average, which would require another replacement,” Dr Mohammadi said.

“Mechanical valves can last a lifetime, but do not perform as well as tissue valves, requiring patients to take daily anticoagulants.

“We have produced a new mechanical heart valve that combines the best of both worlds, offering the performance of tissue valves with the long-lasting durability of mechanical valves. We believe this valve could make life easier and safer for patients.”

The research was funded by Angeleno Medical and published this month in the Journal of Biomechanics.

Dr Mohammadi said the new valve was particularly exciting in his potential application for children. A long-standing challenge in mechanical heart valve replacements had been applying the technology in very small hearts.

So far the prototype had performed well in mechanical lab tests. The researchers will move the technology into animal and clinical trials within two years.

“This valve is designed to allow blood flow to the aorta, which is the body’s largest artery, and the blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood away from the heart throughout your body,” Dr  Mohammadi said.

“Next, we will take what we have learned and develop one for the mitral valve. That valve is responsible for making sure that blood flows from your left atrium to your left ventricle. It also ensures that blood doesn’t flow backward between those two chambers.”

The full report is on the University of British Columbia website.