Hundreds of Aussies bestowed Kings Honours

Samantha Mostyn and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. | Newsreel
In-coming Governor-General and recipient of the Companion of the Order of Australia Samantha Mostyn with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. | Photo: Supplied by The Australian Government

More than 730 Australians were recognised in this year’s King’s Birthday Honours list.

Of those, 493 were recipients of awards in the General Division of the Order of Australia, 162 received Meritorious awards, given to members of various Government departments and 25 received military awards.

An additional 34 Australians were added to the COVID-19 Honour Roll, which recognises contributions made to support Australia’s response to the pandemic.

Six Australians were appointed as Companions of the Order of Australia (AC). The were:

  • Former Victorian Premier Dan Andrews “for eminent service to the people and Parliament of Victoria, to public health, to policy and regulatory reform, and to infrastructure development”.
  • Cancer Council stalwart Professor Karen Canfell “for eminent service to medicine as an epidemiologist, particularly through cancer research, to tertiary education, and as a mentor and leader”.
  • The late Federal Minister Simon Crean “for eminent service to the people and Parliament of Australia, to tertiary education, to business, and to industrial relations”.
  • Former West Australian Premier Mark McGowan “for eminent service to the people and Parliament of Western Australia, to public health and education, and to international trade relations”.
  • Composer and festival director Sir Jonathan Mills (AO) “for eminent service to international cultural leadership and diplomacy, to the performing arts, to philanthropic ventures, and to tertiary education”.
  • In-coming Governor-General Sam Mostyn (AO) “for eminent service in the social justice, gender equity, sporting, cultural and business sectors, to reconciliation, and to environmental sustainability.

There were 15 appointments as Officers of the Order of Australia (AO) and 131 appointments as Members of the Order of Australia (AM).

Explore all the lists