Explore Mexican dream under the Big Top

Cirque du Soleil's Luzia
Cirque du Soleil's LUZIA has extended it Brisbane season. | Photo: Supplied by Cirque du Soleil.

Queensland acrobat and high diver Helena Merten will feature in the upcoming Cirque de Soleil performance in Brisbane, which has just added another week of shows.

Ms Merten, who grew up on the Gold Coast, will join the artists who will deliver LUZIA between September and November under the Big Top next to the Royal Queensland Golf Club, off Curtin Ave East, in the inner-northern suburb or Eagle Farm.

“I’ve dreamt of this since I was seven years old when I saw my first Cirque du Soleil show QUIDAM in Brisbane,” she said.

“Now in returning home to Queensland, to where it all began, and I am beyond excited to perform in front of my hometown crowd.”

LUZIA Senior Tour Director Yannick Spierkel said the extra shows were added to meet demand.

“Queensland has always been a huge fanbase for Cirque du Soleil. In 2024 – our 25th anniversary year in Australia – the love affair continues, and we are so excited to announce another full week of shows,” Mr  Spierkel said.

LUZIA opens in Brisbane on September 25 and now runs until November 11.

Written and directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca, LUZIA is said to invite people to an imaginary Mexico, like in a waking dream, where light (“luz” in Spanish) quenches the spirit, and rain (“lluvia”) soothes the soul.

LUZIA premiered in April 2016 and is Cirque du Soleil’s 38th original production.

It is the first touring production to incorporate rain into acrobatic and artistic scenes and the show travels with 120 people, including 47 artists from 26 different countries.

For more information and tickets visit the Cirque du Soleil website.