$250m boost to Brisbane 2032 pathway

Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra. | Newsreel
Almost $250m will be spent upgrading the AIS in Canberra. | Photo: Supplied by the Australian Institute of Sport.

The pathway for athletes hoping to compete at the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games has been strengthened with a quarter of a billion-dollar makeover planned for the Australian Institute of Sport.

Next week’s Federal Budget will allocate $249.7 million to upgrade the Canberra facilities used to train and develop the nation’s elite athletes.

The funding will deliver an accessible multi-story accommodation facility, a multi-sports dome to provide an all-weather,  indoor training facility with integrated facilities for testing and analysis and a new High-Performance Training and Testing Centre.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said in addition, there would be a further $10 million allocated to develop the surrounding area “ensuring the site is welcoming and fit for purpose for visitors, athletes and their families alike”.

Prime Minister Albanese said funding would be provisioned in the Budget while a detailed business plan for the AIS site redevelopment was finalised.

He said the commitments reflected recommendations made in a recent independent review into AIS Infrastructure.