UN and OECD collaborate to set global AI rules

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The United Nations and OECD will work together to establish global rules around Artificial Intelligence. | Photo: Kami Photos (iStock)

Global governance rules for Artificial Intelligence are the goal of a new collaboration between the United Nations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

United Nations (UN) Under-Secretary General Singh Gill said the new partnership was a result of the speed of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology development.

Under-Secretary Gill said that speed and the breadth of its impact required diverse policy ecosystems to work more cohesively.

“And in real time,” he said.

“I am delighted that the OECD and the UN will link their efforts to help governments improve the quality and timeliness of their policy response to AI’s opportunities and its risks.

“We will work with all stakeholders, including leading scientists and academic centres from around the globe, to realise this goal.”

OECD Deputy Secretary General Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen said rigorous scientific and evidence-based assessment must be at the heart of global AI governance.

“This announcement marks a significant step in that direction by bringing the technical and analytical capabilities of the OECD together with the UN’s global reach and complementary efforts to support globally coordinated AI governance,” Deputy Secretary General Knudsen said.

“The OECD’s AI Policy Observatory, our extensive work to advance the implementation of the AI Principles and the Global Partnership on AI at the OECD provide a strong foundation for this collaboration,” he said.

“Our joint efforts will help countries to seize all the opportunities of AI while mitigating and better managing the associated risks and disruptions to foster human-centred, safe, secure and trustworthy AI.”

Deputy Secretary General Knudsen said the UN-OECD collaboration would focus on regular science and evidence-based AI risk and opportunity assessments.

“The two organisations will leverage their respective networks, convening platforms and ongoing work on AI policy and governance to support their member States and other stakeholders in their efforts to foster a globally inclusive approach.”