Spam a recipe for Pizza Hut deep pain

Pizza and mobile phone
Pizza Hut has been fined $2.5 million from breaching spam laws. | Photo: Paul Biryukov (iStock)

Pizza Hut has been fined $2.5 million for sending more than 10 million marketing messages in breach of Australian spam laws.

An Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) investigation found that between January and May last year Pizza Hut Australia sent almost 6 million texts and emails to customers who either had not consented or had withdrawn their consent to receive marketing.

During that time ACMA found Pizza Hut also sent customers more than 4 million marketing messages without an option to unsubscribe.

Authority member Samantha Yorke said some customers had attempted to unsubscribe several times and received multiple messages after trying to stop them.

“The public expects more from businesses who are using their data. They have a right not to be sent marketing messages if they haven’t consented or have chosen to unsubscribe,” Ms Yorke said.

“The spam rules have been in place for over 20 years and there is simply no excuse for failing to uphold the rights of consumers. It is particularly disappointing when well-known businesses with large customer bases fail to meet their obligations in the way Pizza Hut has.”

As well as the fine, ACMA has accepted a three-year court-enforceable undertaking from Pizza Hut Australia committing the business to appoint an independent consultant to review its compliance with the rules and to make improvements where required. Pizza Hut Australia must also report regularly to the ACMA.

Consumers can make a complaint about spam on the ACMA website.