Queenslanders lift online spend by 5 percent

Woman shopping for clothes online. | Newsreel
Queenslanders lifted their online spend over the last quarter. | Photo: Zinkevych (iStock)

Queenslanders love to shop online, with new data showing e-commerce grew more here than any other mainland state last quarter.

The latest Australia Post report on the nation’s online shopping habits, showed that in the quarter to June this year, 5.7 million Australian households made an online purchase, a 3.8 percent increase on the same time last year.

In Queensland, the year-on-year increase was five percent, which compensated for drops in Victoria (-1 percent) and News South Wales (-0.3 percent).

The report showed that across the nation spending on End of Financial Year Sales was up by 4.4 percent, on the previous year, and fashion and apparel was the most popular category with a 19.1 percent increase in spend in the most recent quarter.

On the business front, Australia Post reported four in 10 businesses were now using artificial intelligence (AI) in some area of their business.

Among businesses using AI, it found the top application was customer service, followed by inventory management, streamlining operations, content creation and fraud detection.

Read the full report.