Federal Court engages with First Nations sector

Family Court representation. | Newsreel
Family Court processed were a feature of a First Nations Forum in Brisbane. | Photo: Photo Boy (iStock)

Federal court representatives are meeting with leaders from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-led legal and social services sector in Brisbane today in a first-of-its-kind forum.

Chief Justice Will Alstergren said the First Nations Forum allowed the Courts to listen and build trust and to improve access to justice for First Nations people.

The inaugural Brisbane forum brings together the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 1) and (Division 2) and community-led legal and social services sector and other services supporting First Nations children and families through the family law system.

Chief Justice Alstergren said representatives from First Nations led Commissions, researchers, advocates and practice experts were also attending.

He said the event provided an opportunity for Judges and court representatives to connect with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector and community leaders to discuss current approaches to working with First Nations families in the context of relationship breakdown.

“Today marks an opportunity to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to listening and learning from community, considering ways for the Courts to be innovative and responsive, and to delivering tangible action that will better meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parties and children.”

The forum will be used to launch a video (view below) featuring the Courts’ Indigenous Family Liaison Officers explaining how they provide support to families that may need help to resolve issues relating to the care and living arrangements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

“Today, we have also launched a film that explains the role of our incredible Indigenous Family Liaison Officers. It is a much-needed resource and I encourage everyone to watch it and to share it,” Chief Justice Alstergren said.