300,000 fraud attempts blocked by identity register

Two women worried about computer fraud. | Newsreel
A Government Identity register has blocked more than 300,000 attempts to use stolen credentials. | Photo: RainStar (iStock)

Identity protection measures introduced after the Optus data breach have blocked 300,000 fraudulent attempts to use stolen credentials.

In late 2022, the personal details of 10 million current and former Optus customers were compromised, including crucial identity documents, such as passports and drivers’ licences.

The data breach prompted the Federal Government to establish the Identity Verification Service Credential Protection Register, which has since blocked more than 300,000 attempts to use stolen information.

The Register protects those whose personal details have been stolen by preventing their compromised credentials being used as forms of identity.

The Federal Government said the legitimate owners of the documents could continue to use them for their primary purpose, such as being able to travel with their Australian passport.

An upgrade to the system is planned, which will allow document issuers and other trusted organisations to directly update the Register in near real time.

The Federal Government said this would help prevent black market sales of stolen identity credentials and disrupt other illegal activities that rely on those stolen credentials, such as scams, money laundering and fraud.

More information on ways to protect your identity can be found on the Government’s IDMatch website.