Labels backed to support local music talent

Singer in recording studio. | Newsreel
Music Australia has launched a program to support Australian recording labels who develop local talent. | Photo: South Agency

A new program has been established to encourage Australian music labels to support local talent.

Music Australia Director Millie Millgate said the Record Label Development Scheme would support Australian labels, from local independents through to major label Australian subsidiaries, that were actively discovering, developing and promoting local talent.

Ms Millgate said grants up to $150,000 were on offer for eligible record labels committed to the growth and success of Australian recording artists.

“The role record labels play in developing our artists is significant and we need to safeguard them at a time when breaking Australian artists has never been harder.

“This investment will ensure Australian labels of all sizes, and with different genre focusses, can continue to compete effectively, support their artists, and contribute intrinsic value  to a vibrant music ecosystem in Australia.”

Ms Millgate said grants were open to record labels that had been operating for a minimum of three years and with at least three active artists on their label roster.

She said the investment would support a range of activity, including professional recordings, videos, digital content and artwork, marketing and promotional campaigns, production, manufacturing and freight, artist development, staffing, technology to enhance business capabilities and professional development training.

“A mandatory non-recoupable 10 percent artist creation fee will be added to the grant amount to be shared amongst the artists that are featured in the project activities, including recording and video production.”

Ms Millgate said Music Australia was also incentivising record labels to manufacture using environmentally sustainable materials.

She said where labels could demonstrate they had been guided by Green Music Australia’s Sound Country: A Green Guide on Physical Music Products, Music Australia would reimburse the price difference.

Pre-application eligibility for the Record Label Development Scheme closes on Tuesday, October 8.