Medical drone. | Newsreel

Long-range drone to boost remote health

A hydrogen-fuelled, emissions-free medical drone is being developed to enhance health services in rural and remote Australia. The drone will be developed through the
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Woman charging electric vehicle. | Newsreel

New sodium-based battery can charge in seconds

Korean researchers have announced the development of a sodium-ion battery that can be charged in seconds. The breakthrough is attracting global attention because sodium
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Researchers in grain field. | Newsreel

Grain growers needed to help build on-farm resilience

A gun team of agricultural researchers has assembled to unearth useful methods for assessing how different practices are improving the health, resilience and
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Animation of avatar talking on headset. | Newsreel

TAFE teacher-bot clones to support 24/7 learning

Queensland’s TAFE teachers are about to partner with robot versions of themselves to better meet the 24/7 needs of students. TAFE Queensland Chief Executive Officer
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Two women worried about computer fraud. | Newsreel

300,000 fraud attempts blocked by identity register

Identity protection measures introduced after the Optus data breach have blocked 300,000 fraudulent attempts to use stolen credentials. In late 2022, the personal
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Worker using ChatGPT. | Newsreel

Inquiry probes impact of AI on workers

The impact of automated decision making and machine learning on workers is the focus of a new Federal Parliamentary inquiry. In response to the rapid uptake of
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A humanoid robot. | Newsreel

More muscle for advanced humanoid robots

Robots with advanced human-like characteristic are a step closer following a breakthrough in robotic “muscles”. Researchers at MIT have developed a device capable of
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Robots in a production line. | Newsreel

The Metaverse is coming to a workshop near you

Australian manufacturers are adopting Artificial Intelligence in their operations quicker than their North American and United Kingdom counterparts, according to an
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Fortescue manufacturing facility in Gladstone. | Newsreel

Gladstone centre of green hydrogen manufacturing

Australia’s first manufacturing facility able to build hydrogen electrolysers at a commercial scale has been opened in Central Queensland. Fortescue’s Gladstone
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Artist's impression of humans on the moon. | Newsreel

50 years on the world braces for new moon frenzy

By Shane Rodgers More than 50 years after humans last went for a stroll on the moon, the giant rock is back in fashion and attracting a frenzy of activity. During the
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