Child in photo studio. | Newsreel

Blue card rule changes for kin

An expanded list of service providers will need to obtain a blue card, while rules will be relaxed for kin, under changes to Queensland’s working with children
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Pumped hydro facility. | Newsreel

Rock solid news for pumped hydro project

The “biggest water battery in the world” will have a solid foundation as drillers found “highly competent granite” during investigation work in Central
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Queensland Budget graphic. | Newsreel

Queensland Budget in numbers

By Steve Zeppa It’s Queensland Budget time and at Newsreel we know Queenslanders are a smart bunch, so we won’t be telling you who are the “winners” or
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Nightclub. | Newsreel

Commissioner for Brisbane night life

A new Night Life Economy Commissioner will be tasked with working with businesses and live music venues to support the state’s entertainment precincts. Queensland
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Young couple given keys to home. | Newsreel

State Budget targets cost-of-living support

By Steve Zeppa Election sweeteners continue to be rolled out as the Queensland Government prepares to hand down the State Budget this week. With a state election
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Cranes building a bridge. | Newsreel

Big billions for Queensland infrastructure

More than $27 billion will be spent in the next 12 months as part of the Queensland Government’s four-year infrastructure plan. With details to be rubber-stamped in
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Bruce Highway sign. | Newsreel

15-year vision to improve the Bruce

A new vision for the Bruce Highway will focus on unlocking economic growth, building flood resilience and improving safety. As the State Government committed to increase
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WorkCover Queensland CEO Michael Pennisi. | Newsreel

Pennisi new WorkCover Queensland CEO

Former QSuper CEO Michael Pennisi is the new CEO of WorkCover Queensland. State Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace said Mr Pennisi brought decades of experience
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Solar panels and wind farm. | Newsreel

Billion-dollar boost to Queensland renewables

Queensland’s renewable energy sector will receive a $7 billion boost in next week’s State Budget. Premier Steven Miles said the budget, to be handed down on June 11,
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EDL CEO James Harman at the Queensland Futures Institute leaders form - Newsreel

Micro-grids could solve remote energy challenge

Micro power grids based on renewable energy could provide the solution to the energy requirement of communities away from the main supply networks. EDL CEO James Harman
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