1300 species of fish are at risk of extinction - Newsreel

1300 fish species facing ‘silent extinction’

More than 1300 species of fish are facing a “silent extinction”, according to new global research. The researchers predict that 12.7 percent of marine teleost fish
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A new ultrasound device promises relief from chronic pain - Newsreel

New hope for people with chronic pain

People who experience regular chronic pain have new hope for relief from a new device unveiled in the United States this week. Researchers at the University of Utah have
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Female scientist working in laboratory. | Newsreel

Embryo-like blood stem cell breakthrough

Children with leukaemia could have access to improved treatment options in the future thanks to a world-first breakthrough by Australian researchers. A team, led by
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Increased greenery has been linked to lower injury risk - Newsreel

Greenery linked to reduced illness risk

Planting trees in a neighbourhood has been linked to lower risks of heart disease and chronic illnesses. A study conducted by The University of Louisville (UofL) found
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Researcher with bioplastic. | Newsreel

Hub to develop 100 percent compostable plastic

A multi-million innovation hub aims to fast-track the development of a 100 percent compostable plastic. The $8 million Bioplastics Innovation Hub, a collaboration
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Research shows people are embracing manipulated images of themselves - Newsreel

Humans are embracing fake self-images

Digital manipulation of a person’s facial image has to go a long way before people stop believing the face is theirs. Japanese researchers found that
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Woman being hopeful. | Newsreel

Be mindful not to lose hope in stressful times

Hope trumps mindfulness in stressful situations, according to a new study, which analysed the unique circumstances presented by the COVID pandemic. Researchers in the
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Different types of love generate different brain intensity - Newsreel

Love lights up the human brain

Brain researchers have started looking for love in all the right places. And they found that different types of love light up our brain in different ways. They also
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Woman undergoing an EEG. | Newsreel

EEG turns 100 as brain experts dream of the future

Brain monitoring technology could be integrated into gaming in less than 20 years, while the potential to read a person’s dreams has divided global experts. In a study
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Bartender handing over a drink. | Newsreel

Genetic test flags cirrhosis risk in drinkers

A new genetic test will help determine if a heavy drinker is likely to develop the severe liver disease cirrhosis. An international team lead by the Centenary Institute,
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