Burning off of methane gas. | Newsreel

Satellite data suggests emissions under-reported

More than half of Australia’s methane “hotspots” are in Queensland’s Bowen Basin, with new data showing current national emissions levels may be twice as much as
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Some jellyfish can merge with another individual to survive after injury - Newsreel

Jellyfish can merge bodies after injury

A species of jellyfish has been found to have the ability to fuse with another individual to survive after injury. After fusing, the comb jellies (Mnemiopsis leidyi) are
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NASA's Europa Clipper. | Newsreel

Jupiter’s moon target for NASA ocean study

The first spacecraft dedicated to studying an ocean beyond Earth is due to blast off this week. NASA’s Europa Clipper, the largest the agency has ever built for a
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Deaths from storm devastation continue for years after the event - Newsreel

Deaths continue long after cyclones hit

New research has revealed an ongoing hidden death toll from natural disasters that continues for nearly 15 years after the event. A Stanford University study found the
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Person running on the Moon. | Newsreel

Australian innovation to support Moon rescues

Australian researchers are at the forefront of ensuring future inhabitants of the Moon are safe. An international project, led by the University of South Australia
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Child wearing mask in heavy air pollution. | Newsreel

‘Low-level’ pollution still impacts brain development

A multi-continent global study has found air pollution impacts the development of a child’s brain even at levels below government standards. A University of
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Water bubble being created. | Newsreel

Scientists watch water being made in real-time

Scientists, for the first time, have watched water being made in real-time and unlocked the potential of rapidly generating water in arid environments, including other
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Woman in jumper with hot drink. | Newsreel

Squid skin helps create heat-adjusting clothes

Clothes that adjust to your own body heat are set to end the infernal question, “do I need a jumper?” Researchers in the United States have studied the
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Woman surrounded by clothes. | Newsreel

Clothing confusion driving landfill dilemma

A national textile collection program would help overcome confusion around clothes recycling, uncovered in a recent study. In the first nationwide study into how
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A bout of COVID has been linked to helping the body fight other illnesses - Newsreel

COVID helps train the body to fight off other diseases

Having a bout of COVID has been found to help train the body to fight off other diseases. Rockefeller University scientists said the body developed a kind of
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