Sad teenager. | Newsreel

Satisfaction with life in Australia hits record low

Australians’ satisfaction levels are at their lowest levels, with young people the most despondent. The latest Australian Unity Wellbeing Index has revealed overall
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Small amounts of strenuous exercise have been linked to lower blood pressure - Newsreel

Small amounts of exercise can reduce blood pressure

A relatively small amount of rigorous exercise each day has been found to be enough to lower blood pressure. A joint research project between the University of Sydney
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Nickel mine. | Newsreel

Microbe map plots course for sustainable mining

A project to map how microorganisms interact with minerals could pave the way for the sustainable mining of critical elements. An international research team led by
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Cells throughout the body have been found to create memories - Newsreel

Memories are not just confined to the brain

New research has found that memories are developed in cells throughout the body, not just in the brain. A team from New York University said the findings could be
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Person with umbrella in rain. | Newsreel

Microplastics’ impact reaches into the clouds

Microplastics, which scientists worry could impact an individual’s health through ingestion, have now been linked to the ability to change global weather
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Garbage dump India. | Newsreel

Garbage dumps the melting pots of a future pandemic

The expansion of garbage dumps in developing countries are creating the ideal pathway to the next pandemic. James Cook University Professor Bruce Gummow said a new study
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Dogs and humans have synchronised hearts during play - Newsreel

Dog and human hearts synchronise during play

The heart rate of dogs and humans have been found to synchronise when they are interacting. New research has found that, just like human heart rates adapt to each other
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Binghamton University PhD student Maryam Rezaie, left, and Professor Seokheun Choi. | Newsreel

Fake plant purifies air and produces power

An artificial plant has been developed which can reduce in-home CO2 levels with vastly more efficiency than a natural plant, creating electricity at the same
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Woman using an electric fan. | Newsreel

Fans a risk to elderly based on humidity levels

Using an electric fan in hot weather can reduce the risk of a heat-induced heart attack in the elderly, but only if its humid. Researchers have been studying the best
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Ethanol bottles. | Newsreel

New cost-effective way to covert CO2 into ethanol

A new process to convert carbon dioxide into ethanol has the potential to prevent large amounts of the greenhouse gas from entering the environment. Scientists from
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