New light shed on how trees grow - Newsreel

New light shed on tree growth mysteries

Forest scientists have long wondered why the growth of trees tends to slow down after they develop their full leaf canopy. One of the popular explanations, known as the
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Drug therapy breakthrough for sleep apnea - Newsreel

Promising new treatment for sleep apnea

A new treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world. Researchers at University of California San
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Women taking pill in shadows. | Newsreel

Ketamine tablet aids in depression battle

A tablet form of the anaesthetic drug ketamine, being trialled in New Zealand, could be the key to addressing treatment-resistant depression. Researchers at the
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Man with mask looking at investment graph. | Newsreel

COVID study shows risk-taking rises in isolation

COVID lockdowns drove a dramatic rise in cryptocurrency investments, prompting warnings around heightened risk-taking among isolated individuals. QUT researchers,
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Rural firefighter battles bushfire. | Newsreel

Extreme bushfires doubling in intensity

Extreme bushfires have more than doubled in frequency and intensity over the past two decades, according to a new Australian study. Researchers from the University of
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Outdoor exercise found to be the most beneficial - Newsreel

Outdoor exercise found to have the most benefits

Exercising outdoors has been found to be more beneficial than indoor activity. This has prompted calls for better and easier access to parks and natural settingss to
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Monkeys change society rules to cope with habitat loss - Newsreel

Monkeys change rules to survive habitat loss

Monkeys faced with disaster and loss of habitat are able to alter the rules of their society to increase their survival chances. A study led by the universities of
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Man in lab testing blood. | Newsreel

New test detects cancer ‘years’ earlier

A blood testing method, enhanced by artificial intelligence, has the potential to improve current methods of predicting cancer recurrence “by years”. A study
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Bacteria in Petrie dish. | Newsreel

Share your bacteria for science

If you’re keen to share the bacteria living on your body, Brisbane is the place to be. The river city is home to Australia’s first comprehensive human microbiome
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New glassy gels. Newsreel

Researchers develop glass that stretches

A new type of glass that stretches without breaking has been developed in the United States. Researchers have called the new class of materials “glassy gels”. North
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