QUT PhD student Sina Rejali, centre, with CARRS-Q researchers Dr Natalie Watson Brown, left, and Dr Sherrie-Anne Kaye. | Newsreel

Hold the phone. Distraction more than mobiles

A focus on cracking down on mobile phone use while driving has overlooked the need to make drivers aware of the many other forms of distraction while behind the
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Professor Tan Yigitcanlar, Dr Carol Hon, Massimo Regona and Dr Melissa Teo from QUT. | Newsreel

AI can build greener construction industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to create a greener construction industry. Based on a QUT analysis of current research, AI could be used in a diverse
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QUT Future Your Summit. | Newsreel

Students explore skills for a future workforce

More than 300 high school students from across Queensland and northern New South Wales are workshopping Australia’s most in-demand skills for jobs of the future in
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Most people good at knowing how attractive they are - Newsreel

Most people know their attractiveness ‘league’

Most people find a partner in their own attractiveness “league” and have a fairly accurate sense of their own physical appeal. A study, led by the University of
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Nitrous Oxide levels continue to grow despite greenhouse fears _ Newsreel

Nitrous oxide emissions continuing to grow

Emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas regarded as more potent than carbon dioxide or methane, have continued to rise over the past 40 years, a global study has
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Don Crowley from QUT. | Newsreel

VR adds new dimension to student care

QUT is using virtual reality to add another dimension to its mental health services for students. A counselling pilot program is integrating virtual reality (VR) into
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Professor Gayle Kerr, a leading academic in advertising at QUT. | Newsreel

50 years of teaching the art of advertising

The first Australian university degree in advertising was offered 50 years ago and the industry is celebrating. While television advertising in Australia began soon
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Online meetings best when you look straight into the camera - Newsreel

The secret of effective online meetings unlocked

During the COVID-19 pandemic, workers had to make a quick transition to online video meetings. And very quickly they faced a dilemma. Do you look at the other person on
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James Cook University in Queensland. | Newsreel

Bid to boost commercialisation at regional unis

A new Queensland program will better connect regional universities to investors and help facilitate networking. The State Government is providing $7 million to establish
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Koala hugging a tree. | Newsreel

Koalas predict hot days and cool down

Koalas can predict a coming summer scorcher and lower their body temperature in advance. Researchers from the University of Sydney have observed free-ranging wild koalas
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