Finger prick blood test. | Newsreel

Prick test delivers quick Alzheimer’s screening

A finger-prick blood test has been developed to screen people for Alzheimer’s Disease. Engineers at Monash University said the handheld device delivered “needle-in-a
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Nasal vaccine. | Newsreel

New nasal COVID vaccine for all variants

A needle-free nasal COVID vaccine, effective against all variants, has being developed in Brisbane. Griffith University researchers believe the next-generation mucosal
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Placebo pills found to help patients with stress and anxiety - Newsreel

Fake drugs help to manage stress

Fake drugs have been found to reduce symptoms in people with stress, anxiety and depression, even when the patients know the pills are placebos. A team lead by the
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Alarming rise in obesity among Chinese young people - Newsreel

Westernisation linked to youth obesity in China

The image of fit and thin Chinese young people has been challenged by new research pointing to growing problems from obesity in the country. A paper published in the
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Women less likely to drink when reminded of previous alcohol encounters - Newsreel

Alcohol memories turn women off drinking

Women are less likely to drink excess alcohol if they are reminded in advance of a previous drinking experience. Research led by the University of Portsmouth found that
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Pregnant woman getting an injection. | Newsreel

Whooping cough cases jump 70-fold in Queensland

Pregnant women in Queensland are being urged to obtain a free whooping cough vaccine as cases skyrocket across the state. Health Minister Shannon Fentiman said the state
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Doctor with young child. | Newsreel

Boost for child health in North Queensland

Health professionals in North Queensland have access to increased funding to boost the welfare of children in the region. The Northern Queensland Primary Health Network
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Smart fabric harvests energy from the body - Newsreel

New smart clothing harvests body energy

A new generation of smart clothing has been developed that harvests energy and monitors the body without the need for batteries or external power. The fabric, developed
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Child with autism in classroom. | Newsreel

AI model predicts autism in toddlers

A computer model has been developed which can predict autism in young children with a high degree of accuracy. Associate Professor Kristiina Tammimies from Sweden’s
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Mental demanding activities are no fun for most people - Newsreel

Humans prefer to avoid mental effort

There is nothing quite so invigorating as fully exercising your mind, said hardly anybody ever. Turns out what we all suspected is true. Thinking hard and putting in a
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