Worried woman scrolling through phone. | Newsreel

Doomscrolling triggers PTSD-like symptoms

The habitual checking of disturbing stories on social media is changing the way humans perceive the world and triggers PTSD-like symptoms. In a world-first study on the
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Time does seem to be going faster when you have fun - Newsreel

Fun activity really does make time fly

One of our best known cliches says that time flies when you are having fun. It turns out that is true. Or at least our brain thinks it is. Researchers at the University
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Medical Football cup. | Newsreel

Medicos chase goals on and off field

Hundreds of health professionals from across the globe have descended on the Sunshine Coast with many goals on their minds. Medical experts from as far away as Brazil,
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Elderly couple on mobile phones. | Newsreel

Brain app supporting thousands worldwide

An award-winning  Australian app focused on brain health has now been downloaded more than 100,000 times in more than 200 countries. BrainTrack, a Dementia Australia
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Person holding hand steady with coffee cup. | Newsreel

Parkinson’s discovery reveals path to targeted care

Subtypes of Parkinson’s disease have been identified, paving the way for more targeted and personalised treatments. Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine used machine
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Drug breakthrough could lift life expectancy - Newsreel

Exciting breakthrough in extending human lives

A quantum leap in human lifespans is possible with the discovery that switching off a type of protein can reduce the inflammation that causes many deaths. Scientists at
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Doctor getting medicine from fridge. | Newsreel

Breakthrough in fridge-free medicine storage

A new approach to storing and transporting vital medicine aims to improve the outcomes for patients in remote and disadvantaged communities. Scientists in the United
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Young person on mobile phone. | Newsreel

Stop the scroll call from mental health groups

Mental health organisations have suggested limiting infinite scroll features as one measure to improve the safety of social media platforms for young people. In a
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Woman on plane wearing mask. | Newsreel

Four-night patient travel rule scrapped

Queenslanders needing to travel to access healthcare will no longer need to fund accommodation while away from home. Currently, under the State Government’s Patient
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Zero-alcohol beer. | Newsreel

Fears zero-alcohol products a gateway for teens

The appeal of zero-alcohol products to teenagers has raised concerns about the drinks becoming a gateway to alcohol use later in life. New research commissioned by the
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