Willpower can be a fragile means to avoid indulgence - Newsreel

Willpower overrated as a habit changer

New research has described willpower as “fragile, unreliable and weak” with only a fleeting impact on avoiding negative behaviour. University of Toronto researcher
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Woman using asthma inhaler. | Newsreel

Dyspnoea’s breathtaking cost to Australian economy

Shortness of breath is costing the Australian economy $12 billion every year. A new study from The George Institute for Global Health in Sydney has looked at the cost of
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Play has been vital for children right back to early humans - Newsreel

Risky play ‘vital’ for children’s development

Playground equipment that encourages risky play is part of a “biological need” in childhood development, new research has concluded. The research team at Dartmouth
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City lights in Sydney. | Newsreel

Night light pollution increases risk of Alzheimer’s

The bright city lights may be calling, but they are also increasing our risk of Alzheimer’s disease. New research out of the United States has found that outdoor light
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Teenager vaping. | Newsreel

Vaping use spikes for Queensland teenagers

More than a third of Queensland teenagers have tried vaping, according to new health data. State Health Minister Shannon Fentiman said Queensland Health found 35.6
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Researcher have found a super gene that could increase human lives - Newsreel

Super gene may hold key to longer lives

Scientists have discovered a particular “super gene” that may hold the key to humans living longer lives. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen say the
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Scientist testing in lab. | Newsreel

Genetic testing rule change in insurance underwriting

Life insurance companies will no longer be able refer to adverse predictive genetic test results in their policy decisions. Federal Financial Services Minister Stephen
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Woman isolated with COVID-19. | Newsreel

Research focus on mental health during pandemic

Scientists spent more time researching the mental health impact of COVID-19 during the pandemic than the disease itself. New analysis of more than 800,000 COVID-related
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Two elderly women. | Newsreel

Key indicators you will live to 100 revealed

Researchers have found biomarkers which best indicate a person’s chance of living to 100. Karin Modig, a senior lecturer at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet, said
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Doctor consulting with patient.

Incontinence a $100b burden for 7.2 million Australians

Incontinence cost the Australian economy more than $100 billion last year, which the majority of sufferers under 65. A new Deloitte Access Economics report commissioned
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