Man in supermarket looking at phone. | Newsreel

Twenty-somethings hit brakes on spending

The spending gap between age groups is widening with young people in their late twenties the most frugal and those over 60 increasing their spending. CommBank iQ Head of
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Federal Australian Treasurer Jim Chalmers

The Federal Budget – Newsreel style

By Steve Zeppa Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered the Federal Budget last night. Here is what you need to know. “This is a Budget for the here and now and it’s a
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Workers looking over housing plans

Housing commitments a ‘down payment’ on pressing need

More needs to be done to accelerate the response to the housing crisis, despite industry groups acknowledging some promising initiatives in last night’s Federal
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Man counting Australian $100 bills. | Newsreel

No plans for spending spree after tax cuts

Less than 10 percent of Australians plan to splurge the extra cash they will receive through the Stage 3 tax cuts. From July 1, taxpayers are expected to be between $350
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Person set to smash piggy bank with hammer | Newsreel

Early superannuation access a trillion-dollar risk

Allowing Australians to access their superannuation to fund a house deposit could have a trillion-dollar impact on the economy, according to industry modelling. The
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Most landlords mess up their tax returns - Newsreel

Most landlords getting tax returns wrong

The Australia Tax Office has rental property deductions in its sights after discovering that 90 percent of landlords get their tax returns wrong. ATO Assistant
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Interest rates kept on hold by Reserve Bank - Newsreel

Reserve Bank keeps interest rates on hold

The Reserve Bank has decided to keep interest rates unchanged despite slower than expected moderation of inflation. The Reserve Bank Board issued a statement today
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Inflation target remains elusive - Newsreel

Inflation rises but continuing to stabilise

Australia’s inflation rate is continuing to stabilise at lower rates, but remains outside the Reserve Bank’s two to three percent target range. Figures released by
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Asian woman in rock pool. | Newsreel

Inflation shocks torpedo super-low interest rate era

A leading global economist has warned that inflation shocks may become more frequent and the era of “super-low” interest rates is probably over. HSBC Global
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Australian Tax Office sign. | Newsreel

Not-for-profits need to re-apply for tax exemption

Thousands of not-for-profit organisations will need to re-apply for income tax exemption status from July 1 this year. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) said around
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