Woman worried about bills. | Newsreel

Millions struggling with debt avoid help

Almost six million Australians struggled to make loan repayments last year, according to new data. Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) research found
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Worker in factory. | Newsreel

Minimum wage to rise by 3.75 percent

Australia’s minimum wage will increase by 3.75 percent from July 1. The Fair Work Commission announced the rise in the National Minimum Wage and all modern award
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Speakers at the Queensland Futures Institute Finance Summit - Newsreel

Mortgage defaults down despite rate pressure

Mortgage defaults are lower than pre-COVID levels despite the pressure of rapid interest rates rises, banking chiefs have told the Queensland Futures Institute 2024
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Many homes are being damaged multiple times - Newsreel

Poorly located homes driving insurance rises

A Queensland insurance leader has cautioned against putting homes in the wrong places in the rush to address supply and affordability issues. Suncorp Group Chief
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Suncorp CEO Steve Johnston at the QFI 2024 Finance Summit.

Regulations freezing out small business and families

Australia’s growing regulatory requirements are beginning to squeeze small business out of insurance work and prevent families from accessing finance. Speakers at
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Woman on phone and woman shocked looking at credit card. | Newsreel

Banks falling short in scam response

A third of scam victims never report the loss to their bank out of embarrassment or the belief nothing will be done. A recent CHOICE report also found about half of
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Scam texts on mobile phones. | Newsreel

80% of Aussies hit with scam texts weekly

More than 80 percent of Australians receive at least one scam text every week, with fake shipping or package delivery messages the most common. New research,
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Annual inflation at 3.6 percent in April - Newsreel

Inflation remains stubbornly high at 3.6%

Australia’s inflation rate remains stubbornly high and outside the zone where the Reserve Bank is likely to reduce interest rates. April Consumer Price Index data,
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Consumers still being cautious with their spending - Newsreel

Cautious consumers hold back spending

Retail spending in Australia remains sluggish as cautious consumers continue to grapple with cost of living pressures. Seasonally adjusted retail turnover data, released
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Women dominating Queensland finance sector - Newsreel

Finance sector riding wave of post-COVID growth

The finance sector in Queensland is working at carving out a unique identity as it enjoys significant post-COVID growth and burgeoning career opportunities. Queensland
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