Middle age man on construction site.

Age limit scrapped for free apprenticeships

Construction-based apprenticeships will be free to all Queenslanders, with age limits to be scrapped. The State Government’s current free apprenticeship scheme is open
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Online meetings best when you look straight into the camera - Newsreel

The secret of effective online meetings unlocked

During the COVID-19 pandemic, workers had to make a quick transition to online video meetings. And very quickly they faced a dilemma. Do you look at the other person on
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Bacteria in Petrie dish. | Newsreel

Share your bacteria for science

If you’re keen to share the bacteria living on your body, Brisbane is the place to be. The river city is home to Australia’s first comprehensive human microbiome
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New glassy gels. Newsreel

Researchers develop glass that stretches

A new type of glass that stretches without breaking has been developed in the United States. Researchers have called the new class of materials “glassy gels”. North
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Community group united. | Newsreel

Community power can impact environment

The benefits of a strong, united local community do not always include combating climate change. New research out of the University of Sydney, indicates that strong
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Researchers are experimenting with dissolvable clothing - Newsreel

Dissolvable fashion to combat clothing landfill glut

Fashion that can be quickly dissolved and recycled has become a reality with a new machine that produces clothing made from gelatin. Researchers at the ATLAS Institute
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James Cook University in Queensland. | Newsreel

Bid to boost commercialisation at regional unis

A new Queensland program will better connect regional universities to investors and help facilitate networking. The State Government is providing $7 million to establish
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Earth inner core. | Newsreel

Earth’s inner core slowing down

Scientists have proven that the Earth’s core is slowing down. A subject of debate for decades, new research published in Nature provides “unambiguous evidence”
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Koala hugging a tree. | Newsreel

Koalas predict hot days and cool down

Koalas can predict a coming summer scorcher and lower their body temperature in advance. Researchers from the University of Sydney have observed free-ranging wild koalas
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Mini submarine. | Newsreel

Self-repairing machines no longer sci-fi

A self-repairing submarine is one of the innovations researchers are hoping to produce with the development of new polymer composites. Dr Nisa Salim from
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