Dingo on K'gari (Fraser Island). | Newsreel

Proof K’gari dingoes’ heritage goes back 3000 years

DNA analysis has confirmed the dingoes of K’gari have no links to domestic dogs and are part of a 3000-year-old lineage. A joint QUT–University of Adelaide study
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Young woman looking worried. | Newsreel

Feeling of youth missing from young people

Almost half of Australia’s youth say they are missing out on being young because of the wide range of social issues impacting their lives. Monash University
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QUT researchers Dr Rachel Okolicsanyi, Martina Gyimesi, Associate Professor Larisa Haupt. | Newsreel| Newsreel

Researchers urge rethink on cause of Alzheimer’s

Mainstream thinking on the causes of Alzheimer’s may be looking at symptoms as opposed to the root cause of the disease. New research from QUT suggests there needs to
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Early health habits linked to brain decline - Newsrell

Positive early habits can reduce cognitive decline

New research has linked declining brain function in mid-life with poor habits and stress as a young adult. A study report by the University of California – San
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QUT PhD student Sina Rejali, centre, with CARRS-Q researchers Dr Natalie Watson Brown, left, and Dr Sherrie-Anne Kaye. | Newsreel

Hold the phone. Distraction more than mobiles

A focus on cracking down on mobile phone use while driving has overlooked the need to make drivers aware of the many other forms of distraction while behind the
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Professor Tan Yigitcanlar, Dr Carol Hon, Massimo Regona and Dr Melissa Teo from QUT. | Newsreel

AI can build greener construction industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to create a greener construction industry. Based on a QUT analysis of current research, AI could be used in a diverse
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Southern Cross University to study diversity in aged care - Newsreel

Study supports better aged care for diverse groups

Enhancing the aged care experience for gender and sexually diverse people is the goal of a new federally funded study. The five-year, $999,533 study is being led by
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QUT Future Your Summit. | Newsreel

Students explore skills for a future workforce

More than 300 high school students from across Queensland and northern New South Wales are workshopping Australia’s most in-demand skills for jobs of the future in
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Researcher and image of DNA string

Researchers zero-in on hunger gene

Researchers have discovered the human gene linked to obesity and a form of depression, leading to hope it could be used as a marker for treatments. A team from the
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Lee Majors in the Six Million Dollar Man - Newsreel

New bionic leg moves with thoughts and reflexes

A new type of bionic limb controlled by the brain and spinal cord is giving speed and balance back to amputees. A study report published in Nature Medicine said some
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