High school students in chemistry lab. | Newsreel

How much should AI shape career choices?

By Associate Professor Andreas Cebulla As year 12 students across Australia ponder their next move, the world of work is undergoing a seismic shift. Artificial
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St Paul's School Woodridge Helen Boyes with students. | Newsreel

Boyes embraces 17 countries and 30 languages

A new Woodridge school principal is embracing a multi-cultural community where students come from homes where more than 30 different languages are spoken. Helen Boyes
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Robots in a packaging line. | Newsreel

Robot enhancement the cat’s whiskers

Future hi-tech robots may have blind spots eliminated thanks to the animal kingdom and South Australian researchers. Researchers from Flinders University in Adelaide are
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Australian indigenous children. | Newsreel

First Nations preschool numbers increase

The number of First Nations children attending pre-school has increased by 10 percent in two decades. The latest data for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows
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Child writing in classroom. | Newsreel

New approach to preserving teens’ self-esteem

Teenagers who are encouraged to affirm their own positive attributes have stronger long-term self-esteem and cope better in transitioning to new environments. A study in
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Drone flying. | Newsreel

Automated system improves drone navigation

Drones and robots will have enhanced abilities to navigate their environments thanks to a group of Brisbane researchers. Current technology relies on manual intervention
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Woman taking a coronavirus test. | Newsreel

Test reveals dangerous new coronavirus variants

A tool has been developed to determine which new coronavirus variants will be the most harmful. Developed by researchers at Cornell University, the bioelectric device
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Woman getting cancer treatment with doctor. | Newsreel

Peptide path to greener cancer treatments

Greener cancer treatments are a step closer thanks to new research out of the United Kingdom. With most current processes involving the use of toxic chemicals,
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New smart clothing breakthrough - Newsreel

Smart clothing will revolutionise body monitoring

A new generation of smart clothing could revolutionise the way people exercise and recover from injury. Researchers at the Universities of Bristol and Bath have
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Teacher with student in classroom. | Newsreel

Teachers struggling to build digital generation

More than two thirds of Australia’s teachers are struggling to provide students with the digital skills they will need in the future. A new report, Tech skills for the
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