Worried woman looks at shopping receipt. | Newsreel

Households focus spending on essentials

National spending on discretionary items has flatlined, according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data released today. The ABS said household
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Big lift and apartment and town house approvals - Newsreel

Big lift in apartment and townhouse approvals

Approvals for terrace houses, townhouses and apartments have shot up as the market tries to soak up strong housing demand. The Australian Bureau of Statistic’s
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Clothing and accessory retail sales lifted in May - Newsreel

Early sales spark small lift in May spending

End of financial year sales helped drive a small boost in retail spending in May as consumers remained cautious with their spending. Australian Bureau of Statistics
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Woman peering over dividers at work. | Newsreel

Risk and reward in AI workplace monitoring

Businesses using artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor employees’ behaviour and productivity can expect them to complain more, be less productive and want to quit
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Man and woman in manufacturing business. | Newsreel

Manufacturing workers can now vote to leave CFMEU

The manufacturing members of the Construction Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU) can now vote to leave the parent organisation after legislation was passed in
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Engineer with laptop. | Newsreel

Multi-faceted approach needed in skills transition

New research has identified key insights into transitioning jobs and skills from the current energy sector to the emerging renewables landscape. Commissioned by
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Parenthood is losing appeal for younger generations - Newsreel

Parenting loses its appeal for new generations

The global fertility rate has dropped below population “replacement level” and the average age for women to give birth has edged above 30. The trend has been linked
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Aerial view of housing. | Newsreel

First step on path to 1.2 million homes

A five-year journey to build 1.2 million new homes through a $32 billion national program begins today. The National Housing Accord, agreed to by all Federal, State and
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Australian working holiday visas on the rise - Newsreel

Working holiday visas on the rise again

Young people on working holiday visas are returning to Australia en masse after numbers dwindled dramatically during the pandemic. An OECD report on regional migration
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Iron ore train. | Newsreel

Commodity prices to fall after invasion spike

Commodity prices have normalised, following a spike brought on by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, leading to a predicted drop in Australia’s resources and energy
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