Brisbane Riverwalk. | Newsreel

Another pledge to extend Riverwalk to Mowbray Park

The missing links in Brisbane city’s Riverwalk between Kangaroo Point and Mowbray Park are again be discussed as part of a multi-million-dollar investment in active
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Man in lab testing blood. | Newsreel

New test detects cancer ‘years’ earlier

A blood testing method, enhanced by artificial intelligence, has the potential to improve current methods of predicting cancer recurrence “by years”. A study
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Fire ants and magnifying glass. | Newsreel

Fire ants in the frame these holidays

School holiday snaps may be a bit different this year if the Invasive Species Council (ISC) has their way. The group charged with managing Australia’s fire ant
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Bacteria in Petrie dish. | Newsreel

Share your bacteria for science

If you’re keen to share the bacteria living on your body, Brisbane is the place to be. The river city is home to Australia’s first comprehensive human microbiome
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Floods in the Philippines. | Newsreel

Data reveals decade of rampant floods and drought

The number of times people were displaced by floods or drought in the world’s most natural disaster-prone countries approached eight million last year, the annual
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New stadium at Ballymore, Brisbane. | Newsreel

Aussie Sevens squad eyes Ballymore home

The Australian women’s rugby sevens squad going through its paces at Ballymore will become a regular sight if Rugby Australia has its way. The Aussie Sevens squad is
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Wuthathi Country Tannin Stained Perched Lake Cape York Queensland. | Newseel

Bid to add Cape York to World Heritage List

The first steps have been taken to add parts of Queensland’s Cape York Peninsula to the World Heritage List. The Federal and Queensland governments, working with
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Home burning in bushfire. | Newsreel

Communities battle perpetual natural disasters

Some Australian communities have had to cope with almost 50 natural disasters over the past five years. New Climate Council research also found the Australian
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What’s On for the School Holidays

Keep the kids amused for the school holidays with our list of the best events and entertainment activities. Theatre Goosebumps meets Minecraft in Scaredy House at the
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Female doctor in rural setting. | Newsreel

Rural training helps medical specialists go bush

Medical specialist who train in rural areas are three times more likely to choose to work in country areas. New research led by the University of Notre Dame Australia
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