New BOM website. | Newsreel

BOM launches new website for feedback

The Bureau of Meteorology has unveiled a test version of its new website and is asking for feedback. Bureau of Meteorology Chief Customer Officer Dr Peter Stone said the
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Rural firefighter battles bushfire. | Newsreel

Extreme bushfires doubling in intensity

Extreme bushfires have more than doubled in frequency and intensity over the past two decades, according to a new Australian study. Researchers from the University of
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Energy storage batteries. | Newsreel ]

Pilots explore renewable energy sharing

Caloundra and Townsville residents will pilot a new system to store and re-use locally produced energy across the community. Queensland Government Local Renewable Energy
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Robot pills are on the way - Newsreel

Robot pill could replace uncomfortable probes

A robot pill has been developed that the inventors believe will reduce the need for many invasive medical procedures. California-based Endiatx is conducting clinical
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Child in wheelchair with basketball. | Newsreel

All abilities multisport day for Ipswich children

Children with a disability will be taking part in an inaugural multisport day in Springfield, south-west of Brisbane, next week. As part of its Active Kids program,
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Doctor with patient. | Newsreel

Spike in intake of overseas-trained doctors

Australia has increased the annual intake of overseas-trained doctors by more than 1500 over the past five years, with Queensland numbers almost doubling. New Federal
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Outdoor exercise found to be the most beneficial - Newsreel

Outdoor exercise found to have the most benefits

Exercising outdoors has been found to be more beneficial than indoor activity. This has prompted calls for better and easier access to parks and natural settingss to
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Sunshine Coast waste collection truck. | Newsreel

Battery disposal sparking truck fires

Battery-related fires in waste collection trucks have prompted Sunshine Coast Council to urge residents to dispose of the charging devices more safely. Council’s
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Young children on laptop talking to someone. | Newsreel

Children need a say in social media debate

A total social media ban for young people could have a detrimental impact on the very people such a move aims to protect. In a new study, researchers from the University
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Used lithium batteries. | Newsreel

United approach to lithium battery waste

Australia’s environment ministers will unite efforts to target waste involving lithium batteries, tyres and packaging. The commitment was one of a number made at
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