Person with disability and carer. | Newsreel

More than 10% of unpaid carers under 25

Almost 400,000 unpaid carers in Australia are aged under 25, according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. The most recent Survey of Disability,
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Professor Tan Yigitcanlar, Dr Carol Hon, Massimo Regona and Dr Melissa Teo from QUT. | Newsreel

AI can build greener construction industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to create a greener construction industry. Based on a QUT analysis of current research, AI could be used in a diverse
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Map of world in rainforest. | Newsreel

Climate change increasingly on people’s minds

More than half the world’s population think about climate change on a weekly basis and are more worried about its impact now than this time last year. The statistics
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Southern Cross University to study diversity in aged care - Newsreel

Study supports better aged care for diverse groups

Enhancing the aged care experience for gender and sexually diverse people is the goal of a new federally funded study. The five-year, $999,533 study is being led by
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Wind turbine under construction. | Newsreel

Manufacturers set to do heavy lifting in energy transition

Australian heavy manufacturers converge on Brisbane this month with the transition to renewable energy the focus of discussions. The National Manufacturing Summit aims
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Man on mobile phone. | Newsreel

Anti-scam centre focus of scammers’ latest tactic

The latest scam doing the rounds involves scammers saying they are from the National Anti-Scam Centre informing that you have been scammed. The actual National Anti-Scam
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Researcher and image of DNA string

Researchers zero-in on hunger gene

Researchers have discovered the human gene linked to obesity and a form of depression, leading to hope it could be used as a marker for treatments. A team from the
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Woman breaking cigarette. | Newsreel

Half a billion smokers crave quitting support

More than half a billion smokers around the world, who want to quit, do not have access to the support to do so. In response, the World Health Organization (WHO) has
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Lee Majors in the Six Million Dollar Man - Newsreel

New bionic leg moves with thoughts and reflexes

A new type of bionic limb controlled by the brain and spinal cord is giving speed and balance back to amputees. A study report published in Nature Medicine said some
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Child with security icon. | Newsreel

Deadline for online industry to protect children

The online industry has six months to create codes to protect children from pornography or have standards set for them. Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman
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