Push to enhance access to exercise support

Woman treating man with exercise. | Newsreel
Exercise physiologists are calling for their services to be exempt from GST. | Photo: LSO Photo (iStock)

Australia’s exercise physiologists are lobbying the Federal Government to align their profession with other allied health professionals and make their services GST-exempt.

Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) brand ambassador and Olympic gold medallist Duncan Armstrong said with a worsening obesity epidemic and a cost-of-living crisis, it was important exercise physiology, which was highly effective at reversing unhealthy weight conditions, was made more accessible.

“While foods like bacon, cake frosting, frozen chips and artificial sweeteners are exempt from GST, exercise physiology services continue to attract the levy,” Mr Armstrong said.

“In a day and age where governments are focused on promoting well-being, it makes absolutely no sense that foods which are known to negatively impact healthy habits don’t attract GST, while a science that can support healthy living gets slugged.”

This week, Mr Armstrong and other ESSA representatives will meet with Federal Government, opposition and crossbench MPs to discuss the health reform.

They are calling on Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers to add exercise physiology to the list of GST-exempt health services, which includes the likes of physiotherapy, osteopathy, dental, dietary, acupuncture, herbal medicine and naturopathy.

“When you consider the cost of unhealthy lifestyles on governments and taxpayers, there’s a clear mandate for change and one that has already received support from state and territory treasurers,” Mr Armstrong said.

He said when the GST was introduced in 1999, exercise physiology was an emerging science and was not included in the list of exempt health services.

“However, in 2006, exercise physiology services were recognised as allied health services under the Medicare Benefits Scheme, thus meeting all of the requirements for GST exemption in the legislation.

“In 2021, state and territory treasurers unanimously agreed to endorse a proposal to make exercise physiology exempt from GST, however progress has stalled.”

Mr Armstrong said exercise physiology was highly effective in reversing unhealthy weight conditions and was also a proven health treatment to prevent, manage and reverse a broad range of other chronic conditions including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and mental health.