Sky’s the limit for EventsAir’s push into US

Couple at event using technology. | Newsreel
EventsAir is looking to push further into the United States market | i Stock

A Brisbane tech company which supplied software to the London Olympics, Brisbane Commonwealth Games and the G20 has now set its sights on the United States.

EventsAir, with headquarters in Brisbane Technology Park at Eight Mile Plains, produces event management software which to date has powered more than 350,000 events, including some of the world’s biggest.

Last year the company, which employs 110 staff globally, raked in $20 million in revenue, with exports accounting for more than 50% of business.

Because of that, EventsAir is now working with Austrade to grow its business, with the United States a priority.

Founded in 1990, EventsAir supports conference and event managers in the US, the UK, Europe, APAC, Africa and the Middle East.

Its platform is used in the government, sport and university sectors.

Two months after the global pandemic, EventsAir developed its OnAIR product. Through this technology, clients could create large-scale in-person, hybrid and virtual events.

EventsAir CEO Chris Ridd said the company’s point of difference was large-scale, complex, government events.

“There is a genuine complexity that needs high levels of security, technology and flexible detail. These events help us adapt and raise the bar each time. We do the events that others won’t touch,” Mr Ridd said.

EventsAir was a national finalist in the 61st Australian Export Awards, which showcases Australian success on the global stage.