Construction approvals hit negative territory

Master Builders building approvals for 2024
Queensland building approvals are showing a downward trend. | Photo: Simon Skafar (iStock)

Building approvals have dipped in the past three months across the state, except for Central Queensland, according to Master Builders Queensland.

The figures taken from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for November to January show a “disappointing” general downward trend, Master Builders Queensland CEO Paul Bidwell said.

Mr Bidwell said the state government had made significant strides in slashing red tape, but those efforts were yet to translate into bricks and mortar.

“In the 12 months to January, 35,727 new builds were approved across the state – well shy of the government housing target we’ve been set of 50,000 each year,” Mr Bidwell said.

“The numbers don’t stack up, but (new government) measures will help shift the dial on housing supply while keeping safety and build quality at the top of the list.”

Greater Brisbane (-14.9 per cent) and Wide Bay Burnett (-11.5 per cent) clocked double-figure negatives, along with Gold Coast (-8.3 per cent), North Queensland (-7.5), and Far North Queensland (-6.4 per cent), Mackay & Whitsunday (-2.8 per cent) and Downs & Western (-2.4 per cent). Central Queensland was the only exception, with a +3.9 per cent hike.

Mr Bidwell said the approval rate was playing catchup and it would take time and patience for the ideal amount of housing to become available.

The latest figures from the ABS show approvals for units are down seven percent. However, the cost to build stabilised, helping release some pent-up demand for detached houses, with approvals increasing statewide by nearly 13 percent in 2024.

The overall figure for the number of approvals for new houses and units was just over six percent in Queensland for 2024, with all regions except the Gold Coast enjoying a boost.

Queensland Master Builders building approvals
Building approvals have dipped in the past three months across the state, except for Central Queensland. | Queensland Master Builders.