Defence hits the mark with Indigenous Procurement

Australian soldiers marching. | Newsreel
The Australian Department of Defence is leading the way in Indigenous Procurement. | Photo: Roberto Galan (iStock)

The Australian Department of Defence not only bears the burden of protecting our shores, it is also propping up one of the Federal Government’s major procurement policies.

Defence has set a new benchmark for Australian Government departments and agencies, exceeding $5 billion worth of contracts with First Nations businesses under the Indigenous Procurement Policy.

Deputy Secretary Security and Estate Celia Perkins said the milestone equated to about half of the overall $10 billion Commonwealth spend to date under the policy.

Ms Perkins said Defence had exceeded the targets assigned by the National Indigenous Australian’s Agency, engaging more than 1180 First Nations businesses across more than 25,100 Defence contracts.

“We know that First Nations businesses are 100 times more likely to employ First Nations people than non-First Nations businesses,” she said.

“By purchasing from First Nations businesses, Defence has been supporting efforts to build a self-sustaining First Nations business sector, where First Nation Australians are able to drive their own economic futures.”