Queenslanders can log-in to see waiting times at their local hospital in real-time.
At the weekend, the State Government turned on an online platform with provides real-time performance of 25 major hospital emergency departments and seven Satellite Hospitals.
Health Minister Tim Nicholls said the Open Hospitals portal delivered openness and transparency to Queenslanders in need of medical care.
Minister Nicholls said critical information on the website such as median patient wait times and the number of patients who had been triaged and waiting for treatment would be updated every 15 to 30 minutes.
He said real-time health data was an improvement on quarterly health data, which was released months later.
“The community (now) has access to information that tells them how critical infrastructure in the health system is performing and which will help them to make informed decisions about their healthcare options.”
Minister Nicholls said the website would also provide people with information on alternative care options, including the Virtual Emergency Care Service.
“It’s vitally important that Queenslanders can get the right care for their condition, close to home,” he said.
“Of course, anyone who needs emergency attention should go to their nearest emergency department or call an ambulance on Triple-0 (000) for assistance.”
Learn more about the Open Hospitals portal.